Privacy Policy
As an independent financial planning firm, Financial Staples, LLC wants you to know that we are committed to safeguarding the confidential information of all current, former, and potential clients. All personal information provided to our firm is held in the strictest confidence. These records include personal information we collect from you in connection with any services or potential services provided by Financial Staples, LLC.
We do not share information with affiliated companies or disclose information to nonaffiliated third parties, except as required by law or by your consent, and do not anticipate doing so in the future. If we were to anticipate such a change in firm policy, we would be prohibited under the law from doing so without advising you first.
We use your information in helping you meet your personal financial goals while guarding against any real or perceived infringements of your rights of privacy.
Our policy with respect to personal information about you is:
Information Kept Private; Sharing Limited to Need to Know
Access to your information is limited. Only employees and agents who have a business or professional reason for knowing your information are allowed access.
We do not share information with nonaffiliated parties except as required or permitted by law or by your consent. For unaffiliated third parties that require access to your personal information, including financial service companies, consultants, and auditors, we also require strict confidentiality in our agreements with them and expect them to keep this information private. For example, federal and state regulators may review firm records as permitted under law. We do not provide your personally identifiable information to mailing list vendors or solicitors.
Secure Environment
We maintain secure physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to ensure that your information is not placed at unreasonable risk. This includes measures to protect your information in the course of its disposal.
Categories of Information Collected
Maintenance of Information
Personally identifiable information about you will be maintained during the time you are a client, and for the required time that such records are required to be maintained by federal and state securities laws, and consistent with the CFP® Board Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility.